Thursday, 25 August 2011

php switch case statement

php switch case statement

PHP If - Else Conditional Statment

PHP If - Else Conditional Statment

PHP if statement is similar to other programming languages

PHP if statement is similar to other programming languages

Difference between require_once and include_once in Php

Difference Between require_once() Vs Include_once() In Php

php include_once

php include_once

PHP - require_once

PHP - require_once

PHP Include Vs PHP Require

PHP Include Vs PHP Require

PHP Require - why we used this?

PHP Require

PHP Includes - why we used this?

PHP Includes

php comment syntax - Look at various types

Look at various types php comment syntax

Operators used in PHP

Operators used in PHP

Use of PHP Strings

Use of PHP Strings

PHP - Outputting text

For outputting text, we can used the PHP command like echo or print

For Example:-

$string = "Hello";
echo $string;
It will give the output on the browser window

PHP - Variables

The way to store information in php program by using a varible
*All variable is preceeded by $ sign.
* Values are assigned with = operator.
*Composed of letters(lower case and upper case), digits(0 to 9) and under score charecters.
first charecters after $ may not be a number.

Types of variables
1. Interger - a whole number without a decimal point
2. Double -  Floating point like 3.141
3. Boolean two possible values
4. Null  special type has one values NULL.
5. String - sequence of charecter
6. Array -  collection of elements
7. Objects -  Instance of classes
8. Resources -  special variables that hold reference external to PHP

Use of php scripts in html

<title>Simple PHP Scripts</title>   
echo "Hi, Manoj";       

What is php ?

Php is a web development language and stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.
PHP is a server side scripting language, which is embeded to HTML. from which we can create dynamic and interactive web pages.

It is fully cross platform means it runs in native or several operting system like unix, windows or on Mac.

Rasmus Lerdorf, a software engineer worked in apache team member is the father of PHP.
First PHP was developed for personal use in 1994 that way he named it as Personel Home Page.In his next version he added the form interpreter, a tool for pesing sql queries.

Zeev  Suraski and Andi gutmans, two Israel programmers developed Zend Engine and PHP3 and PHP4 for server side scripting language.

PHP5 is newly rebuilt object model to bring PHP is object - oriented language  offering support for features such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, interfaces, private members and methods and other standard of oop construction.

PHP is open source , Free software and free GPL(General Public Licenses)

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

PHPtutorials4all Basics

PHPtutorials4all provides information for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.
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